I love to wake up to sunshine, I really do. It makes me incredibly happy to pull open the curtains and she t
hat bright yellow ball in the sky.
Although it was extremely cold this morning I decided to take a long walk along the water on my way into town to meet my students. The area I walked is called the Claddagh and has a wonderful promenade for intrepid walkers, joggers and doggies. I strolled along enjoy the sunshine and trying hard not to blow away or slip on the somewhat icy paths.
It took me about 40 minutes to complete the whole walk and arrive at my destination, the Quay Pub but despite the biting wind and cold I really enjoyed the walk. I even saw a man on the beach doing, goodness only knows what, but seeming genuinely happy to be there. It was low tide so he was able to amble about the rocks and seaweed easily.
There is a lighthouse at the end of this long walkway but it was too far for me to venture this morning but I'll have to make a point of getting out there before I leave Galway.
I took some great pictures of the water with County Claire in the distance at least that what I think those mountains in the distance are. I believe that's where the Burren which is an area in County Clare where the landscape is all rocky and filled with craters. I imagine it looks a lot like the moon's surface or an area where there has been a great deal of volcanic activity in the past.
I also got a great shot of my favorite multi-colored row houses. They look so inviting when the sun is shining brightly on them. In this picture they almost look like they're not real but painted in. As you can see from some of the pictures the ducks, seagulls and swans were all out enjoying the river. I'm surprised they don't mind the freezing temperature and from one of the pictures you can clearly see on the right hand side where there is a large chunk of ice floating around.
I spent 4 and half hours with my students today. I was pleased to have two new students Martin from France who was a student of mine at the school and Maria Jesus from Southern Spain. And yes her name is really Maria Jesus and it turns out that is a very common name in Spain as well as the male version which is Jesus Maria. Basically it's Mary and Jesus for the women and Jesus and Mary for the men.
They joined Vanessa, Marisol and Patricia in reading another script of mine and then doing lots and lots and lots of improv activities. They had so much fun and the staff at the pub got involved as usual and just loved interacting with the students.
It's a very friendly country as you can imagine and even this morning on my walk down the Claddagh a car stopped and a man asked me directions to some person’s house and when I said I didn't know him he said you must he’s got bushy white hair and everyone calls him Hawkeye. I then said I’m from New York City and just visiting so at that point figured he’d say okay and just drive off but no he was like “oh, so what do you think of Ireland. Are you liking it? Are you having fun.” Basically, like most Irish people I’ve met they are more than happy to stop any activity they are doing just to chat with you. It’s so funny and also very comforting to be in a country where people just genuinely want to be helpful.
It was too cold to do much of anything tonight and I was originally suppose to meet Fiona to go to a story telling performance at the Blue Tea Cup theatre but it was canceled so I stopped off for a hot coco on my way home and read a book for a few hours in th
e warmth of Ward’s pub which is right near my apartment.
My fingers are crossed that the cold weather will be gone within the next day or two as I am sure most everyone’s in this country are as well for the same reason.
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