I met my Spanish students at Kelly's pub and I was happy to see I had a new student from Valencia. Frederico is a young man and he did very well during our story telling sessions. Our topic today was travel and funny vacations each of the student's had taken. We got some great stories including Nuria and Diego almost plummeting off a cliff in the North of Argentin
a, Maria Jesus' toughing story of have a flat tire in Africa and being rescued by an African family who were just passing by the stranded tour van in their small wooden cart being pulled by two donkeys. She said the young wife was holding her son and when she s
aw that Maria Jesus had a camera asked if she would mind taking a picture of her son because she never was able to have his picture taken. Maria Jesus was more than happy to do it while this woman's husband along with the tour guide and the cook changed the tire. Maria Jesus did actually mail the picture to the women in her small village which I think must have meant the world to that women who clearly has very little. Maria Jesus always manages to tell stories that touch the heart. Her first story a few weeks ago was about her small dog that she traveled with and during one trip the dog peed in the airport. It was a touching story because soon after that flight the dog, who was very old by that point, die
d. She had begun crying and in my attempt to comfort her I told her how I missed my cat Sooty who passed al
most 10 years ago and then I began to tear up as did Patricia. We have a very sentimental group especially when it comes to children and animals.
Patricia told a wonderful story about her trip to India a few years ago with her sister and how they visited the Taj Mahal and noticed several Indian people taking pictures of a young very pale tourist and they thought perhaps that person was a celebrity but they didn't think too much about it and went on with their day. But then they were approached by an Indian family and asked if it was okay if they took a picture with them
. Patricia and Tamar were fine with it even though they thought it was a little strange. At that point they had no idea it was going to get stranger. After a few pictures with this Indian family other Indian's lined up to take their picture with them. I think they just like seeing people who don
't look like them and they want a record of it. Yes, it was for Patricia and Tamara a little bit like being an animal at a petting zoo but over all they found it a fun experience. But what made this whole story so funny was about an hour after their thrust into the lime light two men approached them and asked if they would take a picture so Patricia and Tamara said yes and posed for them but the two men looked at them strangely and said no we want you to take our picture. Embarrassed Patricia took their picture but after that the men did have someone take a picture of the four of them together. Later that day Patricia and Tamara bumped into the
two men at the train station and oddly enough they had already had their film developed and showed the sisters the picture with the four of them.
Tamara said to her sister "perhaps they'd now like our autograph" but alas that was not the case.
So after all the travel stories I had them tell me a fairytale. They chose Cinderella and they each took turns telling part of the story. By the time they reached the end they asked what is the phrase you use to finish a fairytale and I told them "they lived happily ever after." Simple enough but then I think it was Diego who asked "so what did they eat." I of course was completely lost with that question until Vanessa explained that at the end of a fairytale in Spain they say something like "they lived happily for ever and ever and they ate rabbits." Okay, now I was really confused and someone else chimed in with not rabbits but a smaller furry animal so I sad "mouse?" No, it wasn't a mouse. Well it took just a moment or two for us to go through a list of small furry animals when
Vanessa chimed in, having looked through her Spanish to English dictionary with "not rabbits but partridges." Yes, we laughed for awhile on that one since a partridge is a bird and not even close to a four legged animal with fur.
After finishing my lesson and sadly having to say goodbye to Patricia who leaves for Madrid
on Sunday I met up with my friend Maura and her daughter Kate. Tonight was Kate's Christmas concert and they so kindly invited me to have dinner at their house and attend the concert. I helped Kate with her homework as Maura made a delicious chicken curry with rice, potatoes and some fabulous nan bread. Then we played with the cat and dog (as you can see from some of these photographs of the cat playing under the Christmas tree he really does have a bit of an evil streak.)
The concert was wonderful and I had the pleasure of meeting Maura's aunt Sara (the ex-nun who married an ex-priest) and Maura's sister. It was a really nice evening and they drove me home to Jean Marie's afterwords.
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