I got up early and headed to the gym via my new, more interesting walking route. When I arrived at the hotel's back entrace I took a different path to the lobby and found that there is a garden with a stone wall and white rod iron chairs. I can imagine in the spring and summer with all the flowers in bloom that it is a really lovely to relax and there is even a small walking path near the garden with what I'd call a mini-woods like design where I was able to see over the Salt Hill neighbhorhoods and get a glimpse of sea and mountains in the distance.
I was early for water aerobics so I sat up stairs in the lovely, warm hotel lobby and worked on some rewrites to a play and did my periodic email check.
Water aerobics was good and although there were less women today, only 25 compared to last weeks 35, it was still a bit crowded and at times noisy. I managed to get a good workout none the less and then visited the jacuzzi for some much craved warmth.
I still had so much more writing to do so I headed back up the lobby where I got a bowl of soup and a scone and enjoyed t
he afternoon in relative quiet getting all I'd hope to get done finished.
By 3:30pm or so I was ready for a nice brisk walk in the sunshine. Down Taylor's Hill and by the Crecesent buildings I quickly zipped and made my way to the Budding Cafe via Sea Road. Just perfect as perfect can be in this country. I spent the next four hours helping Ellen and Frank start the shop's Christmas decorating regim. We accomplished a great deal in just that time and it's starting to look very festive.
To thank me for my help, Ellen and Frank took me to their favorite Thai restauarnt, The Thai Garden which is near the Spanish Arch in town. The food was fantastic and they are like local celebrities there. The staff seem more like family when they walk in. And since this town is so small it was only expected that Frank would bump into a friend, a childhood friend at that. Tosh, he's called regalled us with lots of funny storie
s, many of which I could not understand more than a word or two of, but he was a happy sort and would have gone on for hours had Ellen not interceeded and said they need to get me home. Yes, by 10:30pm I really was pooped as I am sure they were and I was the perfect excuse to get Tosh to wrap up his last tale.
I went to bed straight away when I got home and except for a little before sleep reading I just wanted to lay my head on the pillow and drift off to slumber land
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