I had a lovely walk to school and took the more scenic, by the water route just for a change.
I spent the morning in classroom 9 and the afternoon in classroom 7 and got lots done. Yes, more pictures from my classroom windows. I'm going to try remember to take pictures on my walks to and from school.
I had a very nice lunch at the Mustard restaurant downstairs from School with Maura who stopped by for a bit before running off to do grocery shopping and pick up her daughter Kate. We had lots of laughs when she was telling me about her dog flipper (a Labrador Retriever mix) who has a fondness for cats (well obsessed with them really) so a while back Maura adopted a cat for Flipper. And she really isn't kidding that the cat is Flippers. Tiger, the cat, isn't interested much in the humans in his home just the dog and basically Flipper has Maura around to tend to his cats needs like feedings and cleaning the kitty litt
Jean Marie's picking me up to go to the gym around 6:00pm and that's pretty much my day. I think it's going to be a bit blah this week just doing my work in a classroom and then off to the gym at night.
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